Lessons With Master Liang: T’ai-Chi, Philosophy, and Life

In 1964, Master T.T. Liang traveled to the United States with his teacher, Professor Cheng Man-Ch’ing. The purpose of their visit: To demonstrate and teach Tai-Chi at the United Nations and introduce this art to America. Master Liang remained here for the rest of his life to share this “whole world’s exercise” with Americans.

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In 1964, Master T.T. Liang traveled to the United States with his teacher, Professor Cheng Man-Ch’ing. The purpose of their visit: To demonstrate and teach Tai-Chi at the United Nations and introduce this art to America. Master Liang remained here for the rest of his life to share this “whole world’s exercise” with Americans. He taught Tai-Chi to thousands of students, and published a definitive English translation of the Tai-Chi Classics. Ray Hayward’s Lessons With Master Liang contains notes from the author’s private lessons with Master Liang, as well as articles about Liang and many rare photos from his life. This book is an essential resource for any Tai-Chi student seeking to deepen their knowledge of this art.


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