The heart-mind concept in Taoism and Taiji

The heart-mind concept in Taoism and Taiji

In Taoism and Taiji (T’ai Chi), the concept of “heart-mind” (xin 心) is a fundamental and multifaceted idea that integrates cognitive, emotional, and spiritual aspects of human experience. Here’s an explanation of what heart-mind means within these traditions: In conclusion, the concept of heart-mind in … read more

The Wisdom of the Tao

The Wisdom of the Tao

In the heart of the village, I came upon a serene garden tucked away behind weathered stone walls. Amongst the tranquility of the garden, I found a venerable sage seated beneath the shade of a blossoming cherry tree, his eyes closed in quiet contemplation. Intrigued … read more

The Tao (Taoism | Daoism)

The Tao (Taoism | Daoism)

The Tao (the Dao), often translated as “The Way,” is a central concept in Chinese philosophy and religion, particularly in Taoism. It is considered to be the underlying principle of the universe, encompassing both the natural world and the unseen forces that govern it. The … read more

What is Wu Wei?

What is Wu Wei?

Wu Wei (simplified Chinese: 无为; traditional Chinese: 無為; pinyin: wúwéi) is a central concept in ancient Chinese philosophy, particularly in Taoism (Daoism). It literally translates to “non-action”, “effortless action”, or “inexertion”, and refers to a state of being in harmony with the natural flow of the universe, acting … read more

The Philosophy of Harmony

The Philosophy of Harmony

In the quiet solitude of a mountainside retreat, I delved into the philosophical underpinnings of Taiji – a profound philosophy rooted in the principles of Yin and Yang, the interplay of opposing forces, and the eternal quest for balance. Here, amidst the whispers of the … read more